Friday, 6 November 2009

hapiness is a good nights sleep

it amazes me how we underestimate what sleep does for us. as a young adult i regularly partied through the night and functioned on no sleep of less that 4 hours for weeks at a time as a mum i was woken frequently to care for my children with night feeds and sickness not once did i feel that i was missing something vital. when i went back to work my days were filled with activity that often meant me getting up at 5.30 to do house work before i went into work, then on top of this i decided to do a degree so this again ate into the amount of time i was able to sleep as working full time studying and looking after a house and family do not leave much time for sleep especially if like me you want to do all of them to the best of your ability!

i never really noticed the lack of sleep or how tierd i was it was just part of living now and being a woman who wanted it all. eventually it took a toll on my health till i am where i am today. now i know the importance of sleep having just spent the last two months with no more that an hour at most of uninterrupted sleep due to pain what a difference on full nights sleep can do. iver the last few weeks i have been getting grumpier and more frustrated as both the pain and the tiredness take over my life its all i could think about every movent hurt, and just staying in one position hurt to the point where i could not get comfy pain killer and sleeping pills were not making a difference as a still woke up every time i or my husband moved.

all i wanted was to sleep and to have less pain i did not even want to be pain free as that seemed like an unreal dream having lived in constant pain for the last two years. in the end after asking my gp for help i go back to my consultant and use my mum (she was a nurse at the gp practice) to come with me to get them to listen and take me seriously. yesterday i was prescribed some new meds by lunchtime i could feel the muscle spasms im my back starting to release last night i took my cocktail of sleeping and pain meds and i slept for 8 long hours of uninterrupted sleep. i have woken this morning still in pain but i feel able to cope thats what the sleep has done it has given me back the ability to cope.

sleep therefor is the rout to happiness as it gives you the ability to see the positive and cope. i can cope with the pain today and tomorrow if i get to sleep at night its not much to ask is it to sleep its all i need to make me happy !!

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